
Ra’anaa Yaminah Ekundayo

Ra’anaa Yaminah is a multimedia visual activist whose practice extends between N’Swakamok (Sudbury, ON) and Tio’tia:ke (Montreal, QC). Their work explores the intersection of art and activism, particularly contemplating the entanglement of Black culture, identity, community, and futurity. Co-founder and Chair of Black Lives Matter Sudbury, Ra’anaa strives for an active decolonization of every facet of their life supporting calls to defund the police, abolish the prison industrial complex, and for liberation in our lifetime.


May 20, 2023

Projet :: Projection

Chloé Laduchesse, Curtis Carriere, Emily Sportan, Isabelle Michaud, Isak Vaillancourt, Kyle Vine, Magali Alanis Rodriguez Beaudoin, Nadine Arpin, Nicolas Derro, Ra'anaa Yaminah Ekundayo, Sabine Bouchard, Tobias Mankis, Sonia Ekiyor-Katimi