De-ba-jeh-mu-jig (Storytellers in Ojicree), is an Indigenous professional, community based, non-profit multi-arts organization based in Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory on beautiful Manitoulin Island. We are dedicated to sharing and educating about the Anishnaabek Language, culture and heritage through original creative expression with Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. We create original work based on an Anishnaabe worldview and build bridges between cultures, generations, and territories.

June 14 — 17, 2023
FAAS7 : KathleenAli Rodriguez-Beaudoin, Alegría Gobeil, Alix Voz, Alyssa Scott, Annie-Claude Deschênes, Connor Lafortune, Debajehmujig Storytellers, Fauxcils, Félix Hallée-Theoret, Florencia Sosa Rey, Geneviève et Matthieu, Géronimo Inutiq, Jessica Karuhanga, John Boyle-Singfield, Johannes Zits, Nico Glaude, Rotchild Choisy, Violaine Lafortune, Laurie McGauley, Tracy Gregory, Cora-Rae Silk, Emilio Portal, Elyse Portal, Tara Windatt, Clayton Windatt