Project :: Diptych

Hot on the footsteps of Project :: Projection and Project :: Sound, the GNO is proud to announce its brand new call to artists: Project :: Diptych.

The gallery invites artists of all experiences and backgrounds from Northern Ontario to participate in this video installation project.

Curator: Dunstan Topp

Artists are invited to express their interest by signing up for a workshop with artist Katie Huckson!

Multi Channel Video Workshop - April 12th, 2025

This workshop will explore Katie’s artistic practice and methods for creating video works and multi-channel video installations. The interested artists will then have a 4 week period to create their own 2 channel video. The works will be exhibited as an installation, presented in partnership with La Slague during this year’s La Nuit Émergente, Friday, May 16th.

Interested in Project :: Diptych? Sign up for the workshop today! Participation in Katie Huckson’s workshop is free and open to all members of the gallery. Haven’t paid your membership yet? Renew or join today on our website or at the gallery. Tight for funds and would like to become a member? Volunteer instead! Give us a call! 

Workshop attendees are encouraged but not required to participate in Project :: Diptych. Participation in Project :: Diptych is a paid exhibition opportunity, and participants will be remunerated based on Carfac exhibition standards.