
May 20 — June 17, 2005

Vessna Perunovich

On the Other Side of the Ocean


Elastic and hardware items… these are the materials through which Vessna Perunovich chooses to approach the themes of the desire for success, migration and exile. This sculptural and video installation refers to a passage, “on the other side of the ocean” and represents a goal – a new beginning. It simultaneously evokes the breadth and depth of the difficulties and challenges inherent in such a project of transformation and metamorphosis. The life-size white staircase made of fine rubber bands stretches out and is lost in the expanse of the ocean. How many immigrants have left their native land to take this road that is the ocean, a passage that opens onto new horizons, new discoveries. The work undeniably engages the GNO viewer to confront the inherent fragility of the human condition.

Vessna Perunovich

Vessna Perunovich is a Serbian-born visual artist based in Toronto, Ontario. She was born in 1960 in Zaječar, Serbia, FPR Yugoslavia.

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