
February 24 — March 31, 2012

Amanda McCavour

Home Away From Home


Opening : Friday February 24, 2012

« In my work, I use a sewing machine to create thread drawings and installations by sewing into a fabric that dissolves in water. This fabric makes it possible for me to build up the thread so that when the fabric has dissolved, the image can hold together without a base. I am interested in the vulnerability of thread, its ability to unravel, and its strength when it is sewn together. »

With the life-size installation Home Away From Home, McCavour has recreated a living room space from a previous apartment. The hanging thread renderings of her furniture and belongings are layered in the gallery space as if in a new home. Part shrine or monument, the thread drawings remain as a trace, a recorded tribute to a room that once existed.

Amanda McCavour

Amanda McCavour is a Toronto-based artist who works with stitch to create large-scale embroidered installations. She is interested in thread's assumed vulnerability, its ability to unravel, and its strength when it is sewn together.

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