
September 18 — October 16, 2009

José Luis Torres

Géographie informelle


an informal spatial
reconfiguration traces the
irregular contours of a
spontaneous landscape


In his “informal geography” project, José Luis Torres provides us with a glimpse into his nomadic experience. Growing up in Argentina, Torres was already alternating between two quite distinct spaces: his family life in a rural setting and his student life in an urban setting. Later, as a young immigrant to Canada, he often travelled due to his research, his touring exhibitions and his trips back to his native country.

Relating to another culture, finding ways to associate with it, building a space inside another space… such preoccupations are at the heart of this artist’s work. His creations stand somewhere in between the formal landscapes of urban architecture and the precarious, informal spaces of shanty towns.

In Sudbury, the GNO will serve as the formal space that harbours the artist’s informal landscape. Upon entering the gallery, the spectator will proceed from the peripheral space to the work’s central space, from the outside to the inside of the artist’s landscape.

“This work provides imagination with a refuge, a welcoming land.”
—José Luis Torres

José Luis Torres

José Luis Torres was born in Argentina and has a Bachelor's Degree in visual arts, a Master's Degree in sculpture and training in architecture and integrating art with architecture. He has been living and working in Quebec since 2003.

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